Looking for a specific good or service? LOOK LOCAL FIRST and explore the over 200 local members in our DCDC Business Directory.
Hello DeWitt!! My name is Brittany Berrie and I am the Director at The Adopted Closet! My partner Branden and I moved to DeWitt a little over two and a half years ago now and have loved getting to know this awesome community! We have three crazy...
“By getting to know us, the DCDC can tell people what we offer and send them our way.”
more“The DCDC provides us with highly effective resources and assistance to get our message out. The staff is always friendly and willing to do anything they can to help see our business grow. “...
- Hannah A. Perrone, First Central State Bank
“The DCDC provides strong relationships with local businesses by providing innovative marketing and incentives, all designed to maintain and build successful entrepreneurs.”
more“Revive After Five events not only give business owners and employees an opportunity to network but also the ability to gather together and celebrate this wonderful place we call home.” ...
- First Central State Bank
“Being a member of the DCDC has positively impacted our business by allowing us to get more involved in the community.”